For over a decade, Patrick Henningsen has worked to help inform and educate audiences internationally on some of the most important geopolitical and cultural issues facing the world today. As an effective independent voice and outspoken media critic, he has consistently challenged the mainstream line on western military interventions, and geopolitics, as well as being an vocal advocate for freedom of speech and freedom of the press. As a journalist and filmmaker, Patrick has done extensive on-the-ground reporting and research in the US, Europe and the Middle East including work in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran. As an independent analyst he's known for his candid commentary and timely predictions on breaking trends and events in global affairs, and as a public speaker he's been recognized for his dynamic but down-to-earth presentation style and media workshops. He is also the founder and managing editor of the successful independent news and media analysis website 21st Century and host of popular weekly SUNDAY WIRE radio show which broadcasts live weekly on the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR), and host of the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio International, and a long-time co-host of the UK Column News. Back in 2016, he also hosted a weekly show 'Patrick Henningsen LIVE' on terrestrial AM radio with Independent Talk 1100 KFNX broadcasting to one of America's top talk radio markets in Greater Phoenix. He has also appeared in a number of international publications including Consortium News, Ron Paul Institute, The Guardian, Global Research, New Dawn Magazine (Australia), and on a number of major global news networks including RT News International, Al Jazeera, Al Mayadeen TV, ITN (UK), CGTN (China), Indus News (PK), Edge Media (SKY 200 UK) and US syndicated radio show Coast to Coast AM.
What began as a personal journey in questioning wars and 'humanitarian interventions,' soon developed into a lifelong pursuit in investigating, analyzing and narrating important international events. After graduating from Cal Poly SLO in 1993, Patrick worked in the field of graphic design and visual arts field before moving on to corporate communications, PR and events, working with clients in the media, high-tech, finance, fashion and music industries.
In 2003, like millions of others who took to the streets in protest of the impending Iraq War, Patrick became active in the international peace movement, taking that inspiration forward as co-creator of the international open source public art project called, Chalk4Peace. In 2004, he helped to organise the first-ever Peace Cycle from London to Jerusalem to help raise awareness of the plight of Palestinians under Israeli occupation and to promote international solidarity with that cause. In 2006, he was co-creator of the Soho Rainforest Jam music festival in London to raise support for the preservation of virgin rainforest in the Amazon basin. Spurred on by these issues, he started blogging in 2006 and through the peace activism community, gained experience as a contributor on a series of documentary film projects with grassroots media and arts collectives covering anti-war demonstrations in London and other issues, before eventually launching his own independent news and analysis portal 21WIRE in late 2009. He has since produced a wide range of work in writing, radio, TV and film, and as a journalist covering a newsworthy events on the ground in the US, Europe and the Middle East.
Patrick is available for public speaking events and lectures, and has presented at a number of conferences and festival internationally. For more information of how to book an event contact us here.

Patrick reporting from Aleppo, Syria (April, 2017)
MA in International Relations and Global Security (2018)
University of Plymouth, UK
Bachelor of Science, Applied Art & Design (1993)
California Polytechnic State University SLO
Member - British Association of Journalists (2014 - Present)
Other Activities:
USS Pacific Age Group Swimming Coach (1989 - 1992)
US Masters Swimming National Finalist (1993)
EBA National League Division 2 Basketball Coach (1994)
2024 - Anarchapulco (Acapulco, Mexico)
Main Stage: 'Shattering the Propaganda Matrix'
Workshop: Brand & Build Your Independent Media Platform
2023 - Beautiful Days Festival (Exeter, UK)
Speaker & Chair: No2NATO, Free Assange
2023 - Jam4Freedom (Essex, UK)
Speakers Tent / Panel Chair: Media, Censorship & Propaganda
2022 - Beautiful Days Festival (Exeter, UK)
Speaker & Chair: Free Julian Assange panel discussion
2022 - Glastonbury Symposium (Glastonbury, UK)
Topic: 'Overcoming the Noble Lie'
2021 - Imperialism on Trial (London, England)
Topic: Technocracy: A Global Coup de'Etat
2020 - AV11: The Global Pandemic (UK, Virtual)
Topic: 'COVID Crisis and The Great Reset'
2019 - Imperialism on Trial: Free Julian Assange (London, England)
Topic: 'What is Justice?'
2019 - Free Assange (Greenwich, London, UK)
Theme: Stop Extradition to US
2019 - Imperialism on Trial: Free Julian Assange (London, England)
Topic: 'The Illusion of Due Process'
2019 - Mot Dag Conference (Oslo, Norway)
Topic: NATO's New Propaganda and Disinformation Racket
2019 - AV10: 'Embrace the Chaos' (Milton Keynes, England)
Topic: Masters of the Narrative: Comparative Analysis of Alternative & MSM Echo Chambers
Breakout Workshop: How to Spot Fake News
2019: Free Julian Assange (Woolwich, London, UK)
Event: Rally following arrest outside Belmarsh Prison
2019 - Imperialism on Trial: 'Establishment's War on Journalism'
(Derry, Northern Ireland)
Topic: How the Media Lied About Syria
2019 - Imperialism on Trial: The State (Belfast, Northern Ireland)
Topic: Free Assange & How the Media Lied in Syria
2018 - AV9.1: Democracy in Chains (London, England)
Topic: Soft Fascism, Smart Power: The Integrity Initiative
2018 - AV9: Humanity on the Cusp (Milton Keynes, England)
Topic: Manipulates Public Opinion in for War
2017 - Middle East Conflict: Radical Groups & Ideologies (Tirana, Albania)
via Remote Link
Topic: "Defeat of Daesh: Lesson from Syria and Iraq"
2017 - International Conference for Dialogue on Counterterrorism
Hosted by the Iraqi Government (Baghdad, Iraq)
Topic: "US Framing of Sectarian Narratives in Iraq & Syria"
2017 - Public Symposium: Media on Trial (London, England)
Topic: "Mainstream Fake News Leads to War"
2017 - AV 8.1: Transhumanist Agenda (London, England)
Topic: "Artificial Intelligence is Coming: Then What?"
2017 - Public Symposium: Media on Trial (Frome, England)
Topic: "Mainstream Media: Instruments of War"
2017 - New Mexico University (Albuquerque, NM)
Undergraduate Foreign Policy and Security Studies
via Remote Link
Topic: "Syria: Media & Geopolitics"
2017 - Alternative View 8 Conference (Milton Keynes, England)
Topic: “The Genealogy of Mainstream Fake News”
2017 - Lebanese International University (Beirut, Lebanon)
Undergraduate Dept: Political Studies
Topic: "Syria: A Media War"
2017 - 6th International Conference for Palestinian Intifada (Tehran, Iran)
Member of international delegation
2016 - Glastonbury Symposium (Somerset, England)
Topic: “A Single Blade of Grass: Making a Difference”
2016 - Alternative View 7 Conference (Milton Keynes, England)
Topic: “Challenging Consensus Reality”
2016 - American University of Technology (Byblos, Lebanon)
Topic: “Soft Power & the Human Rights Industry”
2015 - Alternative View 6 Conference (Daventry, England)
Topic: “David and Goliath in Nevada”
2014 - Alternative View 5 Conference (Daventry, England)
Topic: “Bending Reality: Media Manipulation”
2013 - Chemical Warfare Symposium (Covent Garden, London)
Topic: "Big Agra & The Chemical Weapons Complex"
2013 - Edinburgh University Debate Union (Edinburgh, Scotland)
Debate: "Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far?”
2013 - Glastonbury Symposium (Somerset, England)
Topic: "Media Mindscaping: Who's Telling the Truth?"
2013 - UKC Leveson Inquiry Symposium (Notting Hill, London)
Topic: "Is the Free Press Really Free?"
2012 - Alternative View Conference (Covent Garden, London)
Topic: "Post 2012: Lifting of the Veil"
2011 - Tent City University, Occupy LSX (City of London)
Topic: “Deep State & The Revolution Business”
2008 - International Day of Peace (Beirut, Lebanon)
Topic: “Chalk4Peace”
Get in touch with 21Wire Media to book us for your event HERE